Teacher of Story Theory Corporate Sage and Mentor Creator of The Spiritual MBA


The job of society, family and institutions is to develop members that are reliable. Reliable in a way that makes those groups survive and possibly flourish. All the while influences of creativity, imagination, and plain fun also want their place. Every human being, like a snowflake, emerges with their own unique and never to be repeated story. What emerges typically is an uneasy compromise. We call that finished story of tension “you”.

Alan grew up in the California of the sixties. The ocean, orange groves, surfboards and burritos all had their place in his story. Alan was blessed with a Grandfather that wielded great influence in his life. He was a child’s first mentor. Alan was encouraged to read literature and philosophy as well as pursue “useful” knowledge in life such as making money. He was surrounded with “old men of the dirt” as he would lovingly call them. Corona, California was a small orange town. Every child was given the opportunity to absorb the wisdom of growing things in the dirt.

The compromise of possibility and pragmatism would become the theme in every aspect of Alan’s life. He graduated with degrees in both accounting and philosophy. Loaded with promise Alan launched into the corporate world ready for the next stage.



The spiritual MBA is a one-on-one offering of mentorship for the corporate seeker. Its purpose is to establish, in 4 two-week modules, the terrain upon which a spiritual journey is possible. Alan had mentors such as Stephen Covey, Peter Drucker, and Ramesh Balsekar in his own journey. It is in this direct tradition that Alan offers his program. Click on the button below to see Alan’s webinar “5 Secrets for People Feeling Trapped and Hopeless in Their Career” This will expose you to the Spiritual MBA program. If you wish you can schedule a direct conversation with Alan as well.


Transformational leadership books and processes have delivered us to the era of self-mastery. But how do we move from being effective leaders to being awakened leaders? By situating leadership in the nest of the seeker’s journey toward truth, you can now stand on the shoulders of the visionaries who have come before, and become conscious of your own position within Source.

Leaving behind charts, maps, and graphs, Awakened Leadership is a portal to direct experience via pointers and personal stories that will help you recognize the gift of being who you really are. Then your leadership essence will effortlessly manifest not only in the boardroom, but in all facets of your life.

Spiritual MBA Q&A : A Bi-Monthly Event With Alan Shelton

The Spiritual MBA Q&A is for you if you are a businessman or woman interested in awakening and how it applies to transforming your career and life. All questions relating to the grittiness of life and spirituality are welcome.  This is open to spiritual seekers of any kind and is held on a donation only basis. Click on the button below to sign up for the next event.


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Awakened Stories 3: Original Myth

Awakened Stories 3: Original Myth

There is a certain composition of what I Am when I arrive as a baby. The Story of that composition is going to occupy what we call the Original Myth. Most folks have experiences at very young ages, incredibly powerful experiences, and if the can go back and occupy...

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Awakened Stories 2: The Beginning

Awakened Stories 2: The Beginning

We started with Consciousness which led us to existence. Now let’s assume there is a beginning. Why? Doesn’t thought always require one? As Carl Jung ( the father of Archetypes, the same Archetypes that are the foundation of all of those self assessments you have...

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Awakened Stories 1: Consciousness

Awakened Stories 1: Consciousness

Some years ago I began my role as a mentor and teacher facilitating leadership programs for brand companies. One of these was VF Corporation where I chanced upon a young executive with “his hair on fire”. I knew immediately the ride he was on as my early career must...

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